Sustainably GROWING healthy foods without chemicals & fertilizers

In Nakuru......

  • ....have learnt alot under the tutilage of Professors Mwangi(DDVC) and Rhoda Birech(Professor of Organic Agriculture) part of a team developing a research proposal to determine the pesticide residue levels in crops and livestock products, among others.
  • ....It is becoming increasingly evident that the world does not have enough resources to sustainably continue to pump higher and higher quantities of inorganic chemicals, fertlizers and pesticides in order to grow food.
  • ...These approach, reliant on external chemical inputs, destroys soil health and in the long run KILLs the soil making it non-productive and hence not able to support plant life...Small scale farmers KNOW this FACT!!

So what is the alternative sustainable way forward?

  • ...we have to adopt the Ecological Organic Agriculture farming approaches and systems....the way Mother Nature intended....
  • ...OPEN the link and READ on for more.....
  • ....and you may be asking what all these has to do with OCA?...well? We are all consumers!
  • .....the 7 billion plus inhabitants of this earth, ALL, eat every day, 365 days every year.....

It is possible to sustainably GROW healthy foods without chemicals and fertilizers

As always, at OCA, we believe....."Your Health is Your First Wealth".....