
Among other approaches to behaviour change OCA believes that educating consumers is critical to achieving desired positive outcomes and desired lifestyle changes. The educational approach that OCA has adopted is evidence based, takes into consideration the knowledge gaps of the specific consumer audiences and continously seeks to incorporate international best practice and lessons learned.

The conceptual design and development of all OCA educational activities is informed by a logical and sequential thought process which includes the following key questions;

  • Why provide the education?
  • What are the objectives of the educational activity?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • How do you intend to carry out the educational activity?
  • How will you measure the results or outcome of the activity?
  • When will the activity be conducted?
  • How much will the activity cost?

Cognizant of the aforementioned, OCA is currently undertaking various educational consumer awareness programs and activities which include;

  1. A monthly interractive consumer awareness blog (Click here for the blog)
  2. A series of cancer awareness talks and speaking appointments in partnership with Organic Foods and Faraja Cancer Support Trust.
  3. OCA contributes a monthly health article to the Organic Farmer Magazine.
  4. OCA partcipates in various National Fora to create awareness on the benefits of organic farming & related Agro-Ecological practices as compared to agro-chemical input based agriculture.
  5. OCA in partnership with various stakeholders, through various avenues including FM radio and TV stations is participating in a series of educational discussions & talks including educating the public on the negatives of chemically grown & processed foods (including GMOs) and the positives of Agro-ecologically grown organic foods . For an example of these activities which include  awareness creation for consumers and farmers.  (Click here to see evidence of how these global corporates plan to control the seed market.)
  6. OCA is participating in partnership with other like minded stakeholders in the promotion and awareness creation of the health benefits of Ecological Organic Argiculture (EOA) Initiatives (See the mission & objectives of EOA) in various capacities including representation at the EOA National Steering Committee, (Click here to see the organogram showing the links to the EOA Africa initiative)  For more on the benefits and advantages of EOA compared to conventional chemical based agricultural farming check on RODALE Institute and KOAN websites
  7. Sustainable agricultural practices based on the latest independent scientific review as contained in the outcome report of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science & Technology for Development  (IAASTD) review. OCA is educating stakeholders especially consumers on Agro-ecological organic practices. For more information on Agro-ecological farming & Organic Agriculture go to IAASTD Synthesis Report.
  8. OCA is participating and contributing to the development of various consumer awareness programs and projects that are at various stages of design and development......details to folllow.

Watch the video clip below for more on Why avoid chemically grown foods and go Organic.

Lifestyle with Dee interview on Obesity: Dr. Mokaya Peter