About OCA

Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA) focuses on promoting and creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods. OCA is closely associated with the Kenya Organic Agricultural Network (KOAN) which is a membership organization.

OCA in partnership with KOAN has over the years, provided leadership in the development, advocacy and promotion of Organic Agriculture in Kenya. KOAN was formed in 2005 by stakeholders in the agriculture sector as a platform for organizing the organic sector with the intention of stimulating the growth and recognition of the subsector.

OCA is a membership organization which is designed to leverage the activities of KOAN with the objective of taking the organic movement to the next level by actively involving consumers. These activities include creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods, the superior nutritional content of organic foods as compared to conventionally grown foods & genetically modified foods (GMOs). The other benefits derived from consuming organic foods include pesticides & toxin free foods.

OCA which is an affiliate of KOAN focuses on scaling up the capacity building activities of KOAN but with an emphasis on consumer aspects. These consumer aspects include organic foods certification & marketing, value chain development, food safety, nutrition and health. It is increasingly evident that there is need for a dedicated entity to take the Organic Consumers interests to the next level: Hence the  formation of the Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA).

Finally, OCA recognises and appreciates that it is the increasing consumer demand & consumption of organic foods that will result in the growth and sustainaility of the organic & related Agro-ecological farming systems. This realization is what drives OCA awareness and health advocacy agenda including relevant policy imperatives. In this regard, OCA's mandate is aligned to and promotes the recommendations of the IAASTD Report (Click here fore more info) and FAO & other UN Agencies Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security recommendations.