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Good people, the month of June is here and with it the “chilly” season.

This month we share some “chilling” scientific evidence of the harmful effects of the commonly used chemical, glyphosate, whose scientific name is N-phosphono-methyl-glycine. This manufactured synthetic chemical molecule, invented by Monsanto, and its “inert” additives has been called the “devils molecule” by some scientists….here is why!

What is the way forward? We need to change how we grow food and restrict or ban the use of herbicides and pesticides as used in agricultural formulations with even more harmful additives.


  • Finally, the author of this article, based on available evidence, is convinced we can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and feed the world organically without using harmful synthetic pesticides. Listen here:
  • For more evidence on why the world needs to urgently and transformatively change its food production and consumption system, join us in this 1st International Conference of its kind, where the impact of the pesticide problem will be presented and viable scalable agroecological solution will be presented in the same Conference with viable Organic Trade business, locally and globally, all aligned to the clarion call of the 17 SDGS…”for People, Planet and Profits…leaving no one behind. Click here to register: https://www.agroecologyconference.eoai-africa.org/

Good people, the month of May is here and with it the skies have opened and the rains are, finally, here!

This month we share cutting edge evidence from leading trans-disciplinary experts who, through their independent research, confirm that GMOs and pesticides are UNSAFE, and  if left unchecked, they pose a real existential threat to humanity..Dr. Zach Bush estimates that, only 70 years are left before humanity becomes extinct….if we don’t change what we consume...

  • Let us start with a quote from Hippocrates:..”all disease begins and ends in the gut”… the opposite of food being “medicine” is food being “poison”…the evidence points to GMOs in combination with pesticides, doing exactly that…here below the evidence.
  • Evidence from the research findings of Zach Bush, a brilliant triple board certified physician: His research findings can only be described as shocking and revolutionary: Watch and listen to the evidence here:
  • Evidence from a former biotech scientist, Thierry Vrain, a retired Canadian GMO-Glyphosate Expert:
  • Evidence from Don Huber, an Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathologist who is a foremost expert on the dangers of GMOs and Glyphosate: He validates Zach Bush’s findings and explains how glyphosate is not only a pesticide and but also a broad spectrum antibiotic which selectively kills the “good bacteria” in the gut while allowing the growth of “bad bacteria”, like clostridium difficile, which cause disease:
  • More supportive evidence from Steffanie Seneff, an MIT computer expert and biologist, shows epidemiologically significant correlation between introduction of GMOs and increased use of glyphosate with increase of Autism and Cancers, among other chronic diseases, including increasing rates of diabetes. Listen to one of her presentations here:
  • Evidence from Shiva Ayyadurai, an award winning MIT scientist: His research findings, using computer algorithms, demonstrate that GMOs, unlike non-GMOs, accumulate formaldehyde a toxic carcinogen and further explains that the current GMO safety assessments are inadequate, exposing consumers to unsafe GMO foods:
  • Scientific prove from Judy Carman, a leading Australian public health researcher and epidemiologist, that GMOs cause gut inflammation and other dysfunctions that trigger ill heath in animals and humans:
  • And finally, we conclude with breakthrough biomedical evidence from David Perlmutter, a celebrity neurologist, on the link between the gut and the brain. Dr. Perlmutter, is the author the book “Gut brain connection” and numerous publications demonstrating the connection between human gut health; “gut microbiome” and the human brain: Watch this fascinating interview here:

Going forward, what are the safe food alternatives to replace GMOs and pesticides?

  • The answer is both simple and complex: The simple part is; Encourage, promote and mainstream agroecological and organic food production and consumption and supportive systems, including consumption of local indigenous vegetables, free from GMOs and pesticides:
  • Here is a presentation from one of the leading promoters of African Indigenous Vegetables(AIVs), demonstrating and promoting AIVs: Mary Abukutsia Onyango:
  • The complex part is advocating for mainstreaming of agro-ecological organic practices into the conventional “industrial agriculture biased” agricultural policies and regulations.
  • In conclusion and for more evidence on why GMOs and pesticides are the PROBLEM and scaling up agroecological organic agriculture and related foods is the SOLUTION, kindly register and attend the Scaling up Agroecology and Reducing Pesticides Conference, June, 18 -21, Safari Park, Nairobi, Kenya; Here: https://www.agroecologyconference.eoai-africa.org/


    The month of March is here and with it expectations of the first quarterly report for the year, 2019!

    What are we reporting and sharing from Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA)? Here is an overview for the first quarter:

    What is the way forward?

    • There is urgent need for MORE awareness creation and promotion of consumption of SAFE, nutritious and diverse diets, which are pesticide FREE, also referred to as organic foods: especially fruits and vegetables, for all people, in general and in particular, among male youth.
    • Lastly, while creating organic wellness “content”, with and for young people, we don’t forget to have fun!

    Good people,

    The month of April 2019 is here and with it the beginning of the 2rd quarter of the year. The much awaited long rains are yet to start. The manifestations of the Equinox – unusually high temperatures - have been particularly punishing…there is a sense of gloom and doom… the negative socio-economic effects are evident; from famine to high inflationary rates…and more.

    Here are some of the reasons why we should urgently shift away the conventional “industrial-chemical-monoculture” food production model…before it is too late.

    • More than six years ago, a United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report published on September 18th, 2013 called for radical changes in agriculture and food production stating that: “Farming in rich and poor nations alike should shift from monoculture towards greater varieties of crops, reduced use of fertilizers and other inputs, greater support for small-scale farmers, and more locally focused production and consumption of food”, the report recommends.
    • The same document urges world leaders to “wake up before it is too late”: http://www.arc2020.eu/unctad-wake-up-before-its-too-late/
    • World renowned environmental thinker and activist, Dr. Vandana Shiva, has constantly warned humanity of the inequality and disparity created by the “Billionnaires Club” who, increasingly, seek to control global resources and power, to the detriment of 99% of humanity, in her new book: Oneness: https://www.alliance-editeurs.org/oneness-vs-the-1-shattering,1540?
    • Here is a short video of Vandana Shiva explaining the unfolding ecological disaster with this unsustainable model:
  • Do we have evidence that these “toxic foods” from synthetic chemical farming not only harm the environment but also harm human health? YES, we do: Here is the scientific evidence from two leading scientists and researchers, Prof. Gilles-Eric Seralini and Dr. Judy Carman: Their links here: https://www.gmoseralini.org/en/ and https://gmojudycarman.org/
  • Why should these detrimental food systems concern us locally? Africa and Africans should be concerned because these food systems are not aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework which should inform food production systems and requisite farm inputs.
  • These models instead promote MORE fossil fuel manufactured synthetic chemical fertilizers and synthetic herbicides/pesticides which are increasingly associated with cancer and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs); https://www.nation.co.ke/news/US-court-ruling-herbicide-sends-shockwaves--Kenya/1056-5050144-129xuo8z/index.html
  • And more…
  • What is the way forward?

    • The IAASTD Report: An authoritative watershed UN-FAO/World Bank Report on way forward for agriculture: A link here: https://www.globalagriculture.org/fileadmin/files/weltagrarbericht/IAASTDBerichte/IAASTDExecutiveSummarySynthesisReport.pdf and The UNCTAD report;http://www.arc2020.eu/unctad-wake-up-before-its-too-late/, recommend a shift to diverse, local agro-ecological food production systems, including organic agriculture, as the solution.
    • As part of the way forward, we  continue to share evidence for policy advocacy and awareness creation with various stakeholders, including  policy makers, farmers and consumers:
    • We advocate for agroecologicl food production systems as able to feed the world.
    • Together with other like-minded groups, we continue to educate and involve everyone, especially the youth-the millennial. They are the greatest losers(or winners) from this asymmetrical power and control of the food system:

    In conclusion, we have an obligation to bequeath our children a safer and more livable future devoid of ill health and enslavement from the 1% who own the “toxic herbicides/pesticides” which help grow the “patented monocultures”, as commodities for trade, rather than as safe, nutrient rich foods: The upcoming 1st International Conference on Agroecology is about the WHY and more: Register here; https://www.worldfoodpreservationcenterpesticidecongress.com/

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    Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA) focuses on promoting and creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods.

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    Kaputei Gardens, Lavington
    P. O. Box 2398 - 00200
    Nairobi, Kenya

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    +254 738 425 758

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