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The month of October is here with us and with it a time of reflection and introspection..a time to take stock of some key policy advocacy wins….evidence of gradual policy shifts towards agro-ecology as a sustainable food system which is the pathway to food security and nutrition.

In view of the increasing evidence on failure of the current food system, what is the way forward?

  • There is need for urgent global and local food policy shifts to remove these toxic agrochemicals, especially pesticides, out of our food systems by banning them and shifting to safer and more sustainable agro-ecological food systems as pathways to achieve food security and nutrition.
  • Need for concerted evidence based policy advocacy towards food sovereignty. https://www.globaljustice.org.uk/what-food-sovereignty

The month of September is here and with it the Libras are in their element…doing a balancing act…and avoiding closed places…they need fresh air…

 There is palpable fear and consternation…people are asking what is causing this sudden increase in cancer deaths? The causes are multi-factorial and associated with long term exposure to a myriad of causative factors which include environmental toxins, in general and specifically, toxic agrochemicals; these include organochoride(OCP) and organophosphate pesticides(OPP).

 What is the way forward towards addressing this public health and environmental menace?

  • Firstly, we need to ensure that policy makers, the legislators and regulatory and enforcement agencies are made aware of these linkages and the dangers that toxic pesticides, especially those banned in countries where they are manufactured: These pose grave danger and harm to the health of our soils, plants, and the citizenry.
  • Secondly, leadership, at the highest political level, needs to make the connection between these harmful pesticides and their INCREASED use, in African countries, Kenya included. Use of these pesticides will increase if GMO seed technology is adopted. Towards that end, we applaud President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda for his decision to reject the GMO technology push and instead advise a precautionary approach which recognizes the inherent risks and dangers of these biotechnologies to our environment, including our soils and our health. As part of regional advocacy, find AFSA’s letter of appreciation on the same: http://www.pmldaily.com/oped/2019/09/afsa-open-letter-of-appreciation-to-president-of-the-republic-of-uganda.html
  • As world citizens, who care for the future of humanity and the environment and who subscribe to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), we are obligated to continue with evidence based advocacy to create awareness among the policymakers and other stakeholders, including consumers, on the inherent dangers of reckless and increased use of these toxic agrochemicals and their links to increasing cancers.
  • Here is a link to concerned farmers demanding that some of these toxic pesticides, like glyphosate aka Roundup, be banned: https://www.nation.co.ke/counties/nakuru/Firm-wants-herbicide-linked-to-cancer-banned/1183314-5230224-v7bo9/index.html

And finally, here is a link to on-going efforts being made by the author of this article to ‘add his voice” to the advocacy agenda for a safer and healthier world for all,…”leaving no one behind”. http://epaper.peopledaily.co.ke/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=2d11dca3-13c2-4add-9dc1-cee781ba2925

Good people, the month of June has come and gone but not without registering a historical landmark; the  1stInternational Conference on Agroecology, Transforming Agriculture and Food Systems in Africa, which took place on June 18th – 20th, 2019, at Safari Park Hotel & Casino, Nairobi, Kenya.

  • Pre-Conference preparations for this unique Conference articulated the “problem” of synthetic pesticides and the sustainable “solution” of agroecology during a Media Launch: The Launch attracted both local and international Media; See pics here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1thSWaitTrxuSdmGMzkJ8ADUkJijByDA4
  • The Conference was a resounding success, attracting a star studded panel of global experts and practitioners of agroecology and related disciplines, who included genetic scientists, toxicologists, endocrinologists, integrative biologists, ecologists, entomologists, soil scientists, environmental experts, sociologists, a whole range of plant and animal scientists, nutritionists, epidemiologists, food safety and health experts: All these, in addition to agroecology input providers, farmers, traders, processors, retailers, consumers, UN bureaucrats, and policy makers, all under one roof!
  • The “cocktail audience” provided robust evidence and shared case studies, based on field experience and findings, demonstrating that the current chemical industrial monoculture food system is unsustainable while presenting convincing evidence why agroecological farming systems is the alternative food system; It can can feed the world, sustainably, without destroying the ecosystem, including soil beneficial soil microorganisms.
  • Is there evidence that glyphosate in Roundup, the most widely used synthetic agrochemical molecule, traded as Roundup, is a systemic biocide that kills everything it comes in contact with? YES. It does not even spare the "unpaid farm worker”, the earthworm… yet it is known that the presence of earthworms is an indicator of soil fertility and vice versa.
  • Aminomethylphosphonic acid(AMPA) , one of glyphosate’s main metabolites, which persists in the soil, has been found to cause metabolic dysfunction in earthworms; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4726205/ ..finally killing them!
  • The above evidence, adds to a long list of other life forms that glyphosate and its so called “inert” forms, kill…the “inert forms, are, shockingly, upto 100,000 times more toxic than glyphosate(Seralini et al, 2018).
  • This biocide does not spare pollinator bees either: Here is the evidence: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/sep/24/monsanto-weedkiller-harms-bees-research-finds
  • This evidence and more, was presented at the Conference by various speakers, including a live video presentation, by Prof.  Gilles-Eric Seralini; some of the findings are shocking to the extent that Seralini recommends that Monsanto, the original manufacturer of Roundup, deliberately committed a monumental fraud by not disclosing this information to users of Roundup!

What is the way forward, Post Conference?

  • A Call to Action (to be shared in next month’s article) reiterates the need for a transformational shift to more sustainable agroecological food systems, aligned and anchored on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which emphasize the need for a “ People, Planet and Profits…leaving no one behind” approach: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?
  • It is increasingly evident that the current chemical industrial food systems, informed the paradigm the “warfare industry” aka the “killing industry”, is not sustainable and that there is an urgent need for a transformational shift to a system of “live and let live” or one in alignment with “sustaining life”, in harmony with nature, as opposed to being “at war” with nature.
  • Top scientists, with opposing views, who participated in the Conference seemed to have a consensus that, there is need to feed the world’s population, without killing life, without using synthetic biocides, like glyphosate in Roundup; watch the TV interview here:
  • Going forward, the evidence is piling up: UN bodies, like FAO, are increasingly convinced that Agroecology CAN FEED THE WORLD without “killing” life…that there is no need for man-made biocides, like glyphosate, which, insidiously, kill all life.

    Good people, the month of June has come and gone but not without registering a historical landmark; the  1stInternational Conference on Agroecology, Transforming Agriculture and Food Systems in Africa, which took place on June 18th – 20th, 2019, at Safari Park Hotel & Casino, Nairobi, Kenya.

    • Pre-Conference preparations for this unique Conference articulated the “problem” of synthetic pesticide and the sustainable “solution” of agroecology during a Media Launch: The Launch attracted both local and international Media; See pics here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1thSWaitTrxuSdmGMzkJ8ADUkJijByDA4
    • The Conference was a resounding success, attracting a star studded panel of global experts and practitioners of agroecology and related disciplines, who included genetic scientists, toxicologists, endocrinologists, integrative biologists, ecologists, entomologists, soil scientists, environmental experts, sociologists, a whole range of plant and animal scientists, nutritionists, epidemiologists, food safety and health experts: These were, in addition to agroecology input providers, farmers, traders, processors, retailers, consumers, UN bureaucrats, and policy makers, all under one roof!
    • The “cocktail audience” provided robust evidence and shared case studies, based on field experience and findings, demonstrating that the current chemical industrial monoculture food system is unsustainable while presenting convincing evidence why agroecological farming systems is the alternative food system; It can can feed the world, sustainably, without destroying the ecosystem, including soil beneficial soil microorganisms.
    • Do we have evidence that glyphosate in Roundup, the most widely used synthetic agrochemical molecule, traded as Roundup, is a systemic biocide that kills everything that comes on its way? YES. It does not even spare the “farm worker” the earthworm… yet it is known that the presence of earthworms is an indicator of soil fertility and vice versa.
    • Aminomethylphosphonic acid(AMPA) , one of glyphosate’s main metabolites, which persists in the soil, has been found to cause metabolic dysfunction in earthworms; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4726205/ ..finally killing them!
    • The above evidence, adds to a long list of other life forms that glyphosate and its so called “inert” forms, kill…the “inert forms, are, shockingly, upto 100,000 times more toxic than glyphosate(Seralini et al, 2018).
    • This biocide does not spare pollinator bees either: Here is the evidence: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/sep/24/monsanto-weedkiller-harms-bees-research-finds
    • This evidence and more, was presented at the Conference by various speakers, including a live video presentation, by Prof.  Gilles-Eric Seralini; some of the findings are shocking to the extent that Seralini recommends that Monsanto, the original manufacturer of Roundup, deliberately committed a monumental fraud by not disclosing this information to users of Roundup!

    What is the way forward, Post Conference?

    • A Call to Action(to be shared in next month’s article) reiterates the need for a transformational shift to more sustainable agroecological food systems, aligned and anchored on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which emphasize the need for a “ People, Planet and Profits…leaving no one behind” approach: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/?
    • It is increasingly evident that the current chemical industrial food systems, informed the paradigm the “warfare industry” aka the “killing industry”, is not sustainable and that there is an urgent need for a transformational shift to a system of “live and let live” or one in alignment with “sustaining life”, in harmony with nature, as opposed to being “at war” with nature.
    • Top scientists, with opposing views, who participated in the Conference seemed to have a consensus that, there is need to feed the world’s population, without killing life, without using synthetic biocides, like glyphosate in Roundup; watch the TV interview here:
  • .be">
  • Going forward, the evidence is piling up: UN bodies, like FAO, are increasingly convinced that Agroecology CAN FEED THE WORLD without “killing” life…that there is no need for man-made biocides, like glyphosate, which, insidiously, kills all life.
  • The month of August is here!

    Just returned from lush green, rainy and pristine rural Ethiopia where we - the Kenyan team - joined a regional team of passionate agro-ecological practitioners whose mandate is to build capacity for farmers, in mountainous and rural areas, to embrace safer organic farming practices, as part of Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture(NSA).

    • One may ask what does WiFi, mobile phones and microwave radiation have to do with organic agriculture and cancer? Everything, I would say…and here is why.
    • At the local scene, there are increasing cases of cancers, with breast cancer leading in “morbidity”- number of cases, while colon cancer is the leading in “mortality”- that is, it results in most deaths. This has been brought to the public limelight from cancer deaths of prominent personalities in Kenya. Here: https://www.nation.co.ke/news/Personalities-cancer-has-snatched-away/1056-5215524-syrmdb/index.html
    • Against the above background, there is renewed interest in identifying the unknown or less known potential risk factors that, collectively, may be contributing to the increasing cases of cancer. Recent evidence demonstrates that electromagnetic fields/frequencies may have a cumulative cancer causing effect; Here is recent evidence, albeit controversial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=d9B688uSaTs
    • From a public health and epidemiological point of view, this evidence is adequate to necessitate the application of the precautionary principle, on safety. The increasing deployment of the 5 Generation phones(5G) is especially worrying from a safety point of view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=15&v=d9B688uSaTs
    • Is there any evidence that microwaves may damage food and by extension damage human health? Yes. There is an increasing body of knowledge that microwaves are harmful: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/microwaves-emf-pollution-2829.html
    • What is the link between electromagnetic radiation, radio frequencies and use of microwaves in heating, thawing or warming food? Here are 10 reasons why one should avoid using microwaves, including their increased risk factor, for abnormal atomic and molecular vibration causing aberrations and new “unnatural” products that may trigger cancer. https://www.health-science.com/microwave-hazards/
    • Listen to this expert, Dr. Barnie Trower, now retired, who was part of the initial microwave experimentation. He warns against use of microwaves, especially around schools and children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=740&v=z99_SzoXZdY
    • Is there more evidence that microwaves can cause health damage and therefore constitute a food safety concern? Here is more evidence: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/microwaves-emf-pollution-2829.html
    • Evidence that microwaving or pan frying meat may create nitrodiethanolamines and other carcinogenic nitrosamines, which are confirmed carcinogens. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4472216/

    What is the way forward?

    • There is need to reduce the multifactorial risk factors which are associated with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) including cancers. This can be achieved by reducing exposure to environmental toxins, including all forms of electromagnetic fields.
    • These environmental toxins include; heavy metals, synthetic agrochemical residues, bisphenol A, aflatoxin and carcinogenic additives used in industrial food processing.
    • Make an informed choice to “microwave” food or not before it is consumed.
    • Finally, promote agroecological organic principles and practices, in farming and food consumption, to reduce exposure to agrochemical toxins, on the one hand and on the other hand discourage the use of microwaves. Using meat as an example, meat heated in a microwave may generate carcinogens, including nitrosamines: These toxins may denature the food or result in release of toxic products, like nitrodiethanolamine, a known carcinogen! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4472216/

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    Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA) focuses on promoting and creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods.

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