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Good people of OCA,

What is a GMO? Did you know that once transgenic foods are introduced into the environment, there is no way of “recalling” or “retracting” them?

The Kenya Biosafety Authority (NBA), which is the institution charged with regulating the use and application of transgenic products (GMOs)  in Kenya ,including ensuring  that all risks are eliminated or minimized BEFORE any release for cultivation of transgenic products into the environment, especially those that go into the food chain for human and animal consumption.  NBA has asked for comments/feedback on the viability of allowing Bt. Maize, a GMO, for open cultivation and commercialization following an application by the Kenya Agricultural Research and Livestock Organization (KARLO) and AATF, ostensibly to solve the problem of a notorious maize pest(stem borer) with resultant reduction in the use of pesticides. Towards that end, NBA has given the public a time period, ending on the 23rd of August, 2015, to make their written submissions for consideration towards making a determination on the application.

Dear OCA members & associates,

The month of May has come with the rains….may the rains be a blessing (and not a curse!) and with it all good things….

  • Our consistent and determined efforts to continue educating the public on WHY they should consume agro-ecological and organically grown foods, free from toxic pesticides, received a major boost recently: None other than the world authority in health and related matters, WHO: click here for  more http://ecowatch.com/2015/04/06/monsanto-who-glyphosate/
  • WHO has now confirmed that, in addition to all the other harmful effects of Glyphosate(Roundup pesticide/herbicide) from harming the soil, to harming plants and animals, there is sufficient scientific evidence to re-classify GLPHOSATE as a probable carcinogen, that is a CANCER causing to human as well.  Click here for more… http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(15)70134-8/fulltext
  • As early as 2012, when the Seralini study was published in the Food and Chemical Toxicology journal (drawing the world’s attention to the harm from GMOs and RoundUp ready patented seeds) and retracted due to biotech pressure to hide the truth-  and later, after an apology from the publishers,  it was republished in 2014, in the Environmental Sciences Europe journal…click here for http://www.cornucopia.org/2014/06/seralini-study-toxic-effects-gmos-glyphosate-republished/
  • We have consistently tried to warn and educate YOU, our members(and the general public) on the harmful effects of consuming chemical laden/pesticide grown foods:
  • And here some key information about pesticide use that you may wish to know providing evidence that, centrally to what biotech lobyyist are misforming the public, with the advent of GMOs, there is INCREASED USE of pesticides, not less as they claim!
  • Statistics compiled by Chuck Benbrook, a research professor at Washington State University's Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources. Benbrook discovered that:
    • Overall, GE technology drove up herbicide use by 527 million pounds (about 11 percent) between 1996 (when Roundup Ready crops were initially released) and 2011
    • Herbicide use dropped by about two percent between 1996 and 1999, but shortly thereafter, as weeds began developing resistance against the chemical, application rates skyrocketed
    • Rapidly increasing weed resistance is driving up the volume of herbicide needed by about 25 percent annually. The recent approvals of 2,4-D and dicamba resistant GE crops may drive it up by another 50 percent, according to research published inEnvironmental Sciences Europe
    • In 2002, glyphosate use on Roundup Ready soybeans rose by 21 percent. Overall, American farmers increased their use of glyphosate by 19 million pounds that year
    • By 2011, farmers growing Roundup Ready crops (corn, soy, and cotton) used 24 percent more Roundup than farmers planting non-GE versions of the same crop, because by that time, glyphosate-resistance had become the norm. Farmers also began resorting to older, more toxic herbicides like 2,4-D.
    • Significantly, contrary to what the biotech lobbyist are telling the public, that these pesticides/herbicides are safe, evidence is mounting that they are HARMFUL and may be a key contributor to the increasing CHRONIC DISEASES….worldwide.

My response to a recent blog: re: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=3446379535704334051&postID=3378088739145586662&page=1&token=1433478572669

Thanks Rose(of Blog: Rose’s Corner)  for capturing pertinent concerns regarding possible unconstitutional introduction of transgenic food into our food supply system without regard to SAFETY and HEALTH concerns as embraced in the  Precautionary Principle re: Cartagena Protocol to which Kenya is a signatory. There is mounting scientific evidence, including from WHO, to question the safety of GMOs which are genetically designed to withstand high doses of pesticides,  into the food chain, anywhere in the world, considering the fact that most of the GMOs are designed to use MORE pesticides (as opposed to the lies from biotech lobbyist to the contrary), like Glyphosate( N-phosphono-methyl glycine), an organophosphate,  a key ingredient in the most widely used pesticide/herbicide called RoundUp, patented and owned by Monsanto et al. If you need more evidence of this, just Google it!

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Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA) focuses on promoting and creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods.

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