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Good people of OCA,

Happy New Year! 

Welcome back....hope you are well rested and ready to "rock" 2015.

  • Have you made any resolutions for 2015? I hope they include some on how to IMPROVE your health....ORGANICALLY!


Good people of OCA,

We have travelled this journey, together, thus far...some a short distance, some a little longer and for some of you, much longer distance. Needless to state, i have valued your time and your companionship.

I thank you

On behalf of the OCA Board and Management, I wish you a Merry Christmas &
An Organic &
 a Prosperous Year Ahead.

  • ....during the last one year, i have endevoured to share with you, at least ONE article/update per week, for the last 12 months....

Good people of OCA,

  • Did you know bone broth was packed with rich nutrients and has so many health benefits?


  • And did you know that Organic free range eggs, from chicken raised outdoors as REAL chicken, have higher nutritional content than the "confined chicken feeding operations" aka KenChic type eggs?

Good people of OCA,
The year is coming to an end and with it a time of reflection.... and deep introspection....what did we ACHIEVE?

  • And did we LEARN anything new? Information is PoWER or rather the USE of that information...


  • Martin Luther King Jr. famously quoted "...our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter...."


  • And the Irish Stateman Edward Burke quoted "...the only thing necessary for  the triumph of evil is for good men(and i add women) to do nothing"

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Organic Consumers Alliance (OCA) focuses on promoting and creating awareness on the health benefits of consuming organic foods.

Our Contacts


Kaputei Gardens, Lavington
P. O. Box 2398 - 00200
Nairobi, Kenya

Kampala Address
Bugolobi no. 19,
P. O. Box xxxxx


+254 738 425 758

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